Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Yesterday we picked up the boat. There was some angst in that as the forecast was for 10 foot seas, there are bridge opening schedules to deal with and there was a HUGE traffic jam near Marigot due to a truck that someone just left in the middle of the road.

As it turns out the forecast was in error and, while we couldn't sail due to the wind direction, we had a pleasant motor to St. Barts with calm seas.

 As St. Barts was our first destination, it took a bit of time to get the anchor set, the boat secure, get through immigration, etc. but we had a nice French meal and a good, albeit a bit rolly, evening.

 At anchor

 Today, we're on St. Barts for the day exploring the island. Tomorrow, we're off for St. Kitts.

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